Ty Wilson Law Podcast

PODCAST #279 Georgia Workers' Compensation Lawyer - Can I get a Claim set up for Georgia for my work injury if I live in Alabama?

Ty Wilson
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00:00 | 03:04

Hello. Ty Wilson. Georgia workers compensation attorney here. And we're answering questions today. Snd so, our question today is, What if I was injured in Georgia but now I live in Alabama? Do I still have a workers compensation claim? And the short answer is, yes. A lot of what determines where you can file your claim is where were you hired. And so, reach out to Georgia workers compensation attorney and speak with them. Give them details of where were you hired were you hired in Georgia and were you hired just to work in Georgia and then you got injured in Georgia now you've just moved right over the State Line to Alabama or was it something else where you always lived in Alabama you were working in Georgia. You signed a contract to only work in Alabama and you just happen to have one job over there in Georgia. So then you may have an Alabama claim. And so, if you were in the course and scope of your employment  certainly you have a Georgia claim if you were injured in the state of Georgia. The bigger question is what does the employment agreement say as far as where you're working or are you a long road trucker and you're gonna work in contiguous United States? And so, the details are what matters the facts to help determine if in fact you are entitled to Georgia workers compensation coverage to help pay for your medical care even if you live out of state. That is something that I know that the adjusters are not crazy about in Georgia because if they're paying for medical care out of state they typically don't have a good understanding of are these doctors conservative are these doctors not conservative. Adjusters like to give the medical care get medical care for the injury worker with very very conservative doctors if they can. It tends to keep the medical cost down and at the end of the day this is about money for the insurance companies. I hope this information's been helpful. Reach out to a Georgia workers compensation attorney. Find out what your rights are and stay safe! 

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